Are You Stuck With Your Phone And Becoming Less Productive? Here Are 3 Secrets You Can Actually Apply To Get Off Your Phone


How to Actually Get Off Your Phone

Often times Aeroberrites, I often find myself so engaged with my phone that I forget to do important task meant for the day. Our phones have become an extension of ourselves. We use a phone for almost everything: Staying connected with friends and family, doing work, managing our lives and schedules, entertaining ourselves, etc.

A recent study showed that the average person spends around three hours a day on their phone, which adds up to around 45 days a year.

That’s a month and a half worth of time!

Imagine what you can do with a free month and a half.

You can write a very rough book draft or even get much fitter, etc.

Spending time on our phones is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean we can’t manage it.

Consider the constant need to check notifications, scroll through social media feeds, and respond to messages.

This isn’t just bad for our mental health. It also distracts us from doing and finishing our work on time.

For the sake of our personal well-being and productivity, we need to reduce the time spent on our phones.

Here are a few ways you can get off your phone.

1. Know WHY you keep using your phone.

What activity causes you to spend the most time on your phone?

Is it social media, emails, work, or boredom shopping?

Know and understand what’s keeping you on your phone.

If you find yourself reaching for your phone out of boredom, it might be time to assess what’s really going on.

Do you visit shopping sites to distract yourself from work?

Does this indicate that it’s time for you to find a new job that makes you more engaged?

Think about this: Every minute you spend aimlessly scrolling through your phone is a minute you could be spending on something more fulfilling or productive.

Seneca said it well:

“Life is long, if you know how to use it.”

Understand that your smartphone is a tool. It should serve you, not the other way around.

If you find yourself spending too much time on your phone, take a step back and evaluate why.

Is it serving a purpose or simply filling a void?

Once you identify the reason, you can start making changes.

Remember, life is happening right now.

Don’t let it pass you by because you were too busy staring at a screen.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.

Make yours count.

2. Let technology help solve your problems.

Use apps to save yourself from other apps. It sounds ironic, but it can also work.

There’s an entire industry built around helping you monitor your screen time.

Apps like Moment and RescueTime do just that.

Freedom lets you block or schedule sessions with certain apps.

HootSuite allows you to schedule posts to make it seem like you’re active online when you’re not.

If you’re an iPhone user, there are also apps that help track and limit your screen time.

You can even simplify your journaling and writing process with the Reflection App, which would save you a lot of time.

Some people also choose a “dumb phone” — one with limited internet capabilities. That’s a bit too drastic for me, but if this works better for you, go try it.

Another thing: Push notifications. Switch off all notifications except for the essential ones — calls from your partner or your kid’s school, etc.

Use your phone less for daily tasks. Use your computer more instead, and then avoid making your phone your all-purpose tool.

3. Give yourself a 24-hour smartphone-free day every week.

Go a total of 24 hours without your phone. You’ll feel the itch, the need to have it close to you every single minute. Those are just withdrawal symptoms. Fight the urge.

It’s natural to feel jittery and restless once we remove the thing we’re addicted to. But unlike synthetic drugs, your smartphone didn’t make any changes to your body chemistry. So you should be fine.

Think of this as your phone-free vacation. It’s all about reclaiming your freedom. Your future self will thank you in the long run.

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Thank you for reading!

Have a wonderful time.

Readers Comments (17)

  1. just 9 months ago I was completely addicted to my phone and my parents decided to take it away, which lasted for 7 months. during that time I was the happiest I’d ever been, I became productive and pleasant, learnt new sports, etc. the moment they gave my phone back everything went back to how it used to be, it ruined my grades, sleep routine, my happiness, EVERYTHING. every time I spend over +3 hours (bearing in mind my average is over 6 hours, used to be 11 hours) I begin having constant breakdowns, completely hating myself and here I am, 4 in the morning on my phone. I just wish I could control this.

  2. Sometimes this Phone addiction makes me prone to insecurities. Especially seeing successful peers in the same career field I’m in. I mean a part of me is happy for them but another part of me is saying “why not me?”. When those moments happen it’s energy draining ,on top of that, it’s Time consuming. I appreciate the tips you shared on this video and I’ll make sure to apply them to my routine to beat this phone addiction.️️I’m forever grateful for your content. And I hope it also helps the next person as much as it helps me. Have A Blessed Self-Improvement journey.

  3. Also note that phone addiction is always sign of unconscious fear. Phone are designed to hook you is understandable but if it was uncontrollable everyone should have been addicted to it… Which isn’t true…. So deal with fear first and letting go addiction is easy. The more fearful you are more phone you will use….

  4. I would actually LOVE to flush my phone down the toilet but society demands you have to be reached 24/7! When I have my phone on the charger and ‘do not disturb’ people keep calling me, sending me emails… I would just love to live away from society without a phone!!!

  5. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. – Henry Ford

  6. I have suffered tons of trauma throughout my life and as a result I have anxiety and PTSD. I’m a recovering addict also so the addictive personality is definitely there and I thought after quitting substances I’d be free of all my addictions…. but then one day I noticed that I spend all day when I can on TikTok to the point that I have no other hobbies. I also noticed my daughter would be constantly trying to get my attention and it was getting increasingly hard to focus on her. And at the end of the day, she’s the only one that matters. I don’t want to look back at my life and see that I put my addictions first and my child last. I’m going to overcome this just like I did with my drug addiction. Good luck everyone.

  7. I just did a two week cleanse, no social media but YouTube (I use it to watch videos like this, it’s about learning not entertaining) and it felt so good. Now Twitter feels too conflictive, too messy and negative. Instagram feels too materialistic, too empty. I like social media but I see myself using it less and less.

  8. Do not replace this bad habit with another one. Instead, replace this habit with a healthy one. I used to just watch tv in order to stay off my phone but that’s just as unhealthy. Try to start spending time outside, you’ll realize it’s actually enjoyable.

  9. What trapped me into my phone addiction was that I mostly consume “valuable” content. So long time I had the feeling, that watching one video or short after another was not a bad thing or even had a value, if there was something to learn from it. What a bs. Educational or motivational videos are completely worthless, when you go directly to the next one instead of implementing the lesson, that you could take away from it. But it took me so long to realize this, that I was already on a point, where it was extremely hard, to break that habit.

  10. My phone addiction is ruining my life. I’m an engineering student going through my toughest semester and I spend on average 8+hours on my phone each day and barely any time at all studying or working.

    Just wanted to put that out there

  11. Thank you sir for the article, hopefully these steps will help me get off my phone.

  12. Thank you Aeroberry, I will try and apply these steps. Thank you In enjoyed this articles. I will click on that link on the post to find more helpful articles

  13. The phone has become our modern day distractive tool, something that was meant for our greatness now want to be the reason for the downfall of most human today. God help us

  14. Finding a balance with our phones is essential. Understanding why we’re glued to them and using tools like screen time apps can help. Let’s reclaim our time and focus on what truly matters.

  15. At a point n my life I was so addicted to porn and masturbation. I was so hooked with hem that even when I want to do other things I find myself watching porn and each time I try to stop, the more I get attached the more. But thank you for your article, I believe when I apply these steps, I will become better. Again praying and making quiet time for meditation also helps me to fight against the spirit of lust. As a Catholic I go to the chapel everyday for silent prayers and it works like magic.

  16. Know why you keep using your phone, this is one secret that changed my life, Aeroberry thank you for the read.

  17. Nice Article, This Secret Helped Me Alot. Thank You Aeroberry

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